2022 End of Year Nourishment Journey
- December 16th 2022 -
Are You Ready to Kiss 2022 Goodbye?
Join us for a serious spiritual journey to wrap up this year that has been
described as a “red-hot-mess!”. Come back to deep rest and nourishment.
Had a hard year? We feel you. Many people have expressed that 2022 has been a
shadowy and draining year. More than others!
And yet – it has also highlighted where we most need to course correct and transform.
Some of us have:
✔ Moved cities/countries/homes
✔ Realised their values don’t match their tribe anymore
✔ Let go of crappy relationships
✔ Left jobs or had a career crisis
✔ Realised addictions are running their lives
and more…
Our western world doesn’t really have an answer for how we WRAP UP OUR YEAR. For how we give it a proper honouring and a farewell.
And return to REST.
Here’s our advice after 20 years in the personal development space:
✧ Don’t take your old burdens and energy into 2023
✧ Don’t start the year off with unresolved crap floating around
✧ Don’t tolerate old stories, patterns and ways of thinking
✧ Do the spiritual work to let go of what’s holding you back
✧Do a special journey to reflect and honour what was (but what will soon not be)
✧ Do take the time to evolve and join a community of conscious action takers.

It isn’t easy to do these journeys solo.
Join us, Debbie and James, for a 3-part mystical journey for wrapping
up the events and effects of 2022.
Expect nourishment, completion and deep insights into
your inner most yourself!
START 2023 like a shining STAR
We’re glad you asked…
December 16th - 9am - 11am (Sydney Australia time) - tune in the eve before if in USA
Join us live on ZOOM for our "end of year ceremony/journey"
2 hours (it is recorded in case life throws a curve ball and you miss the live)
✛ You receive a follow up DIY FIRE Burn Ceremony to complete before Dec 31. This shows you how to set up your own burn off – including the words to revoke old traps and agreements. (hint – get your friends to join along with you)
✛ You receive a New Years’ Intention Meditation to do from JAN 1st onwards to bring in your New Year (talks you through a creational field exercise).
In Zoom and videos/ audio to support your DIY journey (do with friends or solo to go deep).
Starts Dec 16th and finishes Jan 1st with ability to self-pace after the first LIVE event to get the timing right for YOU.
First LIVE event in zoom is Dec 16th/Friday 9-11am AEST (Thurs early eve for USA).
Remaining activities are self paced.
Ready to join? Simply click register and get your ticket. You will be invited to the LIVE event on Sat 16th Dec on Zoom and provided access to the letting go ceremony and new years audio meditation to be completed after. All is recorded so you can choose to do this in your own time if needed.
Book a friend and save $14 off each ticket
Kiss 2022 GOODBYE... Join us starting December 16th
*COST $89 per person or $75 if you book for a friend at the same time