We compiled our favourite educational videos, clearing and healing techniques in times of crisis, calming meditations and mindset training series to assist your spiritual journey.
Free Psychic Abilities Training Exercises and Quizzes
Easy to digest videos + Interesting Quizzes and Exercises that show you what psychic abilities you have and how to switch them on.
Try the Guided Shamanic Meditation Journey for FREE
Download your FREE Shamanic Meditation journey to see if they are right for you. Looking for deeply guided and symbolic shamanic meditation journeys to advance your skills and tune into true inner wisdom?
Free Psychic Intuition Enhancement
Training Videos
Learn about the 8 Psychic Senses available to you right now. Awaken your long held but dormant gifts to reconnect with your inner wisdom.
E-Book: 5 Steps To Increasing Your Intuition
After 40 years of studying the world of energy, meditation and intuitive mastery, we have selected 5 key lessons you can easily learn to tap into your inner wisdom for clarity, direction and re-aligning with your purpose.
The 5 steps to intuition mastery featured in this e-book include:
How to make easier life decisions that you can 100% get behind.
How to quieten the monkey mind and tune into what really matters.
How to access a calm and connected energetic space.
How to receive higher wisdom and prioritise what is important to you.
How to take your power back and let go of confusion.
12 Month Living Spirit Program
This in-depth Online Program delivers a monthly module of videos, resources and words of wisdom to help you on your spiritual development journey.
Throughout this journey, James Pask will teach you the Art of ‘Metaphysical Hygiene’ so that you can master your metaphysical health, understand your own energy body, how to keep it clean and free, and how to play by the universal laws that govern this reality we live in.
Start month 1 for free, and cancel any time!
Free Meditations, Videos & Audios
We compiled our favourite educational videos, clearing and healing techniques in times of crisis, calming meditations and mindset training series to assist your spiritual journey.
Sign up to get instant access!

FREE super calm CHALLENGe
Access the 4-week Super Calm Challenge: A weekly lesson to tame your wild ‘monkey mind’
Overcome your old incessant thoughts and busy head space; combining 4 core concepts that are simple, effective and soothe your overthinking mind.

Get yourself feeling centered, grounded and strong with this 12-minute guided visualisation that talks you into the central desert of Australia and soaks up the power of the sun and rock energy.

Calming & Immunity Healing Meditation
Download your free meditation to centre your mind, get connected back to heart and have a healthy conversation with your immune system to keep yourself well. You might be surprised what information you get from your inner voice.
Free Healing Quest
Internal Healing Quest at Home with James Pask: A healing resource during this unprecedented time of change Get your free videos, meditations and self clearing techniques to get through this difficult time.
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