March and April Energy Update

Ready to take some giant leaps? With several planets in Pisces currently, many things may seem like they are out of reach or that you are losing yourself in the world at the moment. Of course, that depends on what astrology house your planets are in. For me, it's finance and resources so they are…uh…rather complicated and tricky right now! Anyone running their own business may be having a bit of a sales shortage which is actually forcing them to re-think their business models and sales tactics. This is a good thing because the changes you make now will be long-lasting. Individuals may need to shift a long-standing personal challenge that literally wants to be rebirthed this month and next. Many of these opportunities are focused around Base Chakra activities – which cover all things physical and material like finance, career, tribe/family, community, and vitality & health. In addition, the March Equinox will be triggering an unprecedented awakening of the divine energy, and it's now more important than ever to align and connect with the Earth Mother.
Every month, Rezinate will be hosting Monthly evenings to keep you updated and aligned with this new time. To me, this energy feels like a NEW phase – giving you the opportunity to bring fresh perspectives, insights, and new physical things into your experience. The key is to really look deep within and choose to LET GO of old ways and make strong clear intentions (followed up by actions) of the things you DO WANT. Don’t give up on your goals – just find different ways to make them happen if PATH seems to be failing. The inner Spirit needs to express itself to the world that is much, much more conscious. Old institutions are dropping away. Have you noticed that people now prefer small organic markets to big supermarkets? Credit Unions are on the rise as people are suspicious of the big four banks. Old ways of running businesses are fading. Outbound marketing does not work. Cold calling does not work. Word of Mouth and strong honest affiliations are winning hands down. Old ways of communicating with others are also shifting. What conversations are you having with friends that you never had 5 years ago?
The new currency is authenticity, awareness, and connection to PEOPLE and EARTH (not things). Find a way to slip into the new consciousness that asks you to take a longer and deeper look at your inner soul and express this in your day-to-day life.
Are you running the rat race and need to change your stressful over-active day?
Is your body playing second fiddle to work? It’s time to focus on YOU – not the “things” in your life. March and April are going to push this concept to the front of your mind – so the only question you need to ask is this?
What is my old and outdated way of thinking and being that I would change tomorrow if I could? What dream/s am I neglecting to follow through on that I can re-invigorate?
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