Master the Flow of Yin and Yang
How do we best explain Yin and Yang outside of the Chinese medicine association? Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Feminine and Masculine. Reflection and Action. Inner and Outer. Shadow and Light. Intuition and Logic.
What Do You Need?
Take the time to stop, pause and reflect on that question. This is quite possibly one of the most powerful questions you can ask someone. It is also one of the most important spiritual questions that someone could ask of you.
How to Deal with Your Own Shadows
Debbie Pask shares 5 key tips on how to deal with shadows and move into a more confident relationship with self. Shadows are the parts of ourselves we don't like or reject and they are our greatest teachers.
Are You An Email Addict?: Break the Addiction
Technology is both amazing and awful at the same time. And email must truly be the ‘king of awful’ as so many of us become crazed and addicted to it. Sort of like crack addicts...
Letting Go of a Bad Relationship
Have you been feeling like a whole bunch of stuff is coming up to deal with towards the close of the year? Relationship blockages, physical issues, career stagnation and more?
Clarity is Power
Clarity is not just knowing your decisions, it is knowing that your decision resonates directly with your SOUL. Aha. So the question is: Do you know your soul? Do you know who YOU are?...
How to Let Go of Conflict
Are you sympathetic, empathetic or compassionate? You really need to understand the difference if you want to release the stress and burden of an argument, altercation or judgment you are making on someone or something in your life.
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