

What Do You Need?

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Take the time to stop, pause and reflect on that question. This is quite possibly one of the most powerful questions you can ask someone. It is also one of the most important spiritual questions that someone could ask of you.

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Are you attracting the right people into your life?

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How’s that for a question? It is one of those big life questions that sits in our deep self and probably doesn’t get a lot of logical thought on a day-to-day basis. But it should… We all operate at a certain type of frequency.

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The Chiron Return

What’s all the fuss about your Chiron Return? Are you aged between 48- 50? A few years off or just past this crazy era in your life? Strap in and get ready to hear about Chiron Return. Chiron is a planet in the sky, just like Earth, Venus, Mercury and more.

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How to Deal with Your Own Shadows

Debbie Pask shares 5 key tips on how to deal with shadows and move into a more confident relationship with self. Shadows are the parts of ourselves we don't like or reject and they are our greatest teachers.

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How to Step Up When the World Crashes Around You

If humanity was a company structure, our culture would be deathly toxic. A violent and unsafe place to work from. Employees dobbing each other in. Creating cliques and divides...

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Being Certain of Yourself in a Time of Uncertainty

2020 has washed a wave of uncertainty over humankind.  Although starting with a bang, 2020 soon revealed itself to be a glitch in the system.

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