10 Things to do at Home in Times of COVID-19

We are in a shutdown situation and we are confined more to our home space or home environment than ever before. So, what are some of the things that you could do that would make good use of your time and tidy up your life as you go during the crazy times of COVID 19?
#1 Declutter your wardrobe
We've all got those clothes that just don't fit us or are old and tattered; or just starting to get moldy in the back of our cupboards. Get that wardrobe decluttering started and really clean up what you wear. And make sure that you only keep what's in line with your personal identity, and let go of what you don't need. Perhaps you can give some other people that are homeless or in need some of those old clothes of yours. I recently sent a whole box up to a beautiful little Aboriginal community up north and it was very satisfying.
#2 Read a classic
Yep, get a seriously cool ass book out. Even if it's short or whatever, get a book that you know is a classic that you always wanted to read, that probably wouldn't be in your normal, everyday routine. Sit down and master reading that classic. Start with a clear intention too so that you get the most out of it.
#3 Arrange a Zoom dinner with your friends
Yep, that's right. Set up a place at your dining table. You can't go to their house, they can't go to yours, but you can leave a little place at the dining table. I suggest you cook the same meal so that you're eating the same thing and enjoying it at the same time. Organise the time that you switch on Zoom, put your computer or iPad in their spare chair, propped up so they can see you, and have a lovely Zoom dinner. I've done that before, several times before this COVID-19 hit us, and it’s a very fun, exciting thing to do.
#4 Do a “timeline” of your life here on earth
Now, that sounds a little bit overly academic, but it's really great to reflect on the life that you've had so far. What have you done? Where have you travelled? List your various ages, from zero, birth, all the way up to the age that you are now, and draw a straight linear line. And offshoot that with all the things that you've done, achieved, what you're proud of, what's been difficult and challenging, what's grown you, and how you've achieved where you've got to at this point of your life. Doing a timeline of your life will really make you feel grateful for what's happened. And also, you might see some interesting patterns that have come throughout time, that you might want to look at in terms of whether they're positive or negative. What is a re-occurring theme and do you want that to play out again? If not, start the unravelling from the first time on your timeline that it happened.
#5 Do a jigsaw puzzle
My friend/client, Zoe, will love this one. She attempted one in her 14-day quarantine and it's been driving her crazy. I personally love jigsaw puzzles. So yeah, choose a small one or a big one, whatever, and sit down and do this jigsaw puzzle. Now, I know they're not for everyone. However, they are really good at building new neural pathways in your brain and sharpening your skills of patterns, colour-matching, and problem-solving. So very good for you. Get frustrated. Fall into it and start your flow.
#6 Do a home workout and kick butt
Make it your best ever! Figure out the best way you can work out in your home that's going to give you the most amount of traction. Maybe have a think about what sort of body workouts that you want to do that will be the most effective for your results that you want to achieve. Once you work out an effective home workout, perhaps share it with friends and rate which one is best. The competition is on!
#7 Join a creative class online
A good client and friend of mine is launching a writing group. She's got a master's in writing. She's made feature films. Highly recommend you join a creative class. And whatever you want to get written or scripted or achieved, small or big, that will be an exciting endeavour to undertake. You have more time than ever before so what are you waiting for?
#8 Join a webinar or learn something new
My partner and I are putting out some short feel-good-Friday evening webinars. We know no-one's really going anywhere right now. Get into the game of enrichening your mind! Join a webinar and learn something new. So, join a webinar, learn something, and get excited about new information coming in.
#9 Reskill. Reskill. Reskill.
Choose something. What was that thing you always to learn, do, be, train in, that you just don't get time in your everyday life? Think about a new skill or a new creative strength that you want to draw on that might actually account toward your career, or what you're currently interested in moving into if it's not the current career. That's an exciting thing to start and get yourself trained in whilst you are in a semi quarantine state.
#10 Cook some new and exciting meals
We all usually cook the same old, same old, same old. Pick a new recipe twice a week and master it. Friends of mine used to have a calendar on their wall of a different chocolate dessert to master each month. You can choose something healthier if you like, but pick something that you probably don't think you can make. You have the time, you have the energy, you have the home-time to be doing this right now. So honour and nurture yourself. A really good trick is to pick one naughty meal and one good, healthy meal. So, it's easy to make a naughty meal, yet it's not so easy to make a really tasty healthy meal. Get creative and design the healthiest, yummiest meal you can figure out how to make. Recently, James and I cooked a Lentil Bolognese which was insanely healthy – using zucchini noodles. Thanks to his mother for her recipe. So yeah, try that and see how you go. I think that's ten. Over and out lovely people.
Enjoy your renewed home energy!
-Debbie Pask x
Join Debbie and James Pask for a series of supercharged webinars on how you can stay grounded, calm, and even powerful in this changing global era.
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