
Manifesting Money for Your Course: A Practical Guide

Hi, it's Debbie Pask here! I wanted to address a common concern I hear often – the struggle to manifest the money needed for courses or training. If this is something you're experiencing, I want to walk you through some powerful ways to think about money and how it flows. There's a deeper, metaphysical aspect to money that can help you attract it into your life. Let’s dive in!

Two Worlds: The Metaphysical and Physical

To begin, think of two worlds: the metaphysical world and the physical world…

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Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in Energy Healing and Spiritual Coaching

I want to talk about imposter syndrome—self-doubt about whether you're authentic or capable of doing what you say you can do. And in the world of energy healing and spiritual coaching, this comes up a lot. Who am I to practice energy work? Who am I to be intuitive? Who am I to go out and do this?

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Master the Flow of Yin and Yang

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How do we best explain Yin and Yang outside of the Chinese medicine association? Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Feminine and Masculine. Reflection and Action. Inner and Outer. Shadow and Light. Intuition and Logic.

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An Effective Way to Start a Dialogue with Your Spirit

Rezinate Blog Start a Dialogue with Your Spirit
A lot of us, we exist in a practical, tangible world. We're getting ready for work, we go about our day and what we don't realize that while we're working or doing our daily routine, our spirit mind is working underneath the scenes. It is operating whether we like it or not. It's there. It is present. It's always online.

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What Do You Need?

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Take the time to stop, pause and reflect on that question. This is quite possibly one of the most powerful questions you can ask someone. It is also one of the most important spiritual questions that someone could ask of you.

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Are you Tapping into your Intuition for Health?

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Let’s talk about the importance of tuning into your intuitive senses for the body. We all know that the body can have various things go wrong with it. Ailments, illnesses, various things that throw us out of balance. That’s all part of being human. 

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Are you attracting the right people into your life?

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How’s that for a question? It is one of those big life questions that sits in our deep self and probably doesn’t get a lot of logical thought on a day-to-day basis. But it should… We all operate at a certain type of frequency.

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