personal development
Master Your Mental Chatter
Although our modern-day world is full of stress and mad crazy schedules, we are all aware enough to know that we need to slow down. We need some space and mindfulness and the ability to stop the overwhelming flow of thoughts (mostly negative) that hit our brains every second.
The Fear Challenge
There are a lot of different fears that can hold us back. What could you do to show yourself love or value in this area? Think about where you criticize others the most. That will be where your fears lie...
Words of Wisdom You Would Tell Your 18-Year Old Self
What words of wisdom would you tell your 18-year old self if you could go back in time? We put out a question to all Rezinate clients for the chance to win a Free Energy Healing. The question asked was, what would you give yourself as an 18-year-old ready to face the world after school?
Life Purpose: The 3 Life Changing Questions
True heart connection comes when you know and understand the reasons why you are here in this world and at this time. This can be as mystical or as practical as you want it to be.
Your Authentic Self: Does Your Inner Voice And Outer Voice Match
Your throat chakra (energy point) is the channel for your expression -the expression of your identity, business, hobbies, creativity, and friendships. This energy channel is happy and healthy when WHAT YOU SAY matches up to WHO YOU ARE.
Do Your Relationships Define You?
What is a non-toxic relationship? There are many levels to relationships and the people around you contribute to your daily emotions and state of being. We know that everyone has ENERGY and we can pick up and take on other people’s negative energy if we spend a lot of time together.
- world news (5)
- numerology updates (6)
- energy update (6)
- nature healing (8)
- goals (10)
- personal development (26)
- body health (12)
- consciousness (22)
- conscious living (49)
- mindfulness (28)
- confidence (18)
- death and rebirth (4)
- values (19)
- higher self (15)
- life purpose (18)
- animal totem (1)
- stress management (16)
- conscious children (2)
- chakra energy (3)
- spiritual retreat (6)
- work-life balance (9)
- happiness (23)
- workshop and retreats (11)
- spirituality (9)
- astrology (2)
- space clearing (2)
- relationships (14)
- intuition (11)
- clarity (8)
- wellness (16)
- meditation (2)
- earthing (2)
- intuitive guidance (12)
- relationship guidance (8)
- self healing (2)
- healing tools (6)
- mental clutter (2)
- fear (3)
- rezinate sessions (1)
- spiritual awakening (2)
- energy medicine (3)
- metaphysical energy and healing (3)
- medicine wheel journey (1)
- psychic development (5)