stress management
The Top 5 Christmas Energy Suckers
Christmas brings up lots of stuff so read ahead and see where you get personally stuck – one of these things will relate to you! With plenty of suggestions and calls to action, make your ‘end of year’ as smooth as it can be.
Stress Resilience: Get Your Mojo Back!
We have so many distractions in life; consumed that we forget our precious Spirit, begging the ego to have moment's break. So why do we do it?
The Fear Challenge
There are a lot of different fears that can hold us back. What could you do to show yourself love or value in this area? Think about where you criticize others the most. That will be where your fears lie...
Fear of the Unknown
What makes you most anxious or fearful? What keeps your mind busy at night when you should be sleeping like a baby? So, what is FEAR?...
Electromagnetic Frequencies at Home
Understanding and protecting yourself from these energies is seen as one of the most important steps to dramatically improve your well-being in the natural health world today. The great news is the Geoclense and its associated products protect you from these energies...
How to Let Go of Conflict
Are you sympathetic, empathetic or compassionate? You really need to understand the difference if you want to release the stress and burden of an argument, altercation or judgment you are making on someone or something in your life.
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