March and April Energy Update
Ready to take some giant leaps? With several planets in Pisces currently, many things may seem like they are out of reach or that you are losing yourself in the world at the moment.
2012 Energy Update by James Pask
The long-awaited Dec 21st 2012 is nearly upon us and since 12/12/12 a lot of us have really been feeling the shifts taking place, headaches, the tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, and so on. Also, the consciousness shift is seeing a lot of change in relationships, reconnections...
Your Authentic Self: Does Your Inner Voice And Outer Voice Match
Your throat chakra (energy point) is the channel for your expression -the expression of your identity, business, hobbies, creativity, and friendships. This energy channel is happy and healthy when WHAT YOU SAY matches up to WHO YOU ARE.
Aboriginal Dreamtime Healing
Ever arrived somewhere new and found it intensely familiar? Or wondered why recurrent themes play out in your life? We unconsciously carry forward ‘memories’ of our experiences, attitudes, and relationships, both pleasant and traumatic, from previous lifetimes to present ones.
Do Your Relationships Define You?
What is a non-toxic relationship? There are many levels to relationships and the people around you contribute to your daily emotions and state of being. We know that everyone has ENERGY and we can pick up and take on other people’s negative energy if we spend a lot of time together.
Electromagnetic Frequencies at Home
Understanding and protecting yourself from these energies is seen as one of the most important steps to dramatically improve your well-being in the natural health world today. The great news is the Geoclense and its associated products protect you from these energies...
Clarity is Power
Clarity is not just knowing your decisions, it is knowing that your decision resonates directly with your SOUL. Aha. So the question is: Do you know your soul? Do you know who YOU are?...
Receiving Abundance
Are you seeking more money, a better relationship or to get pregnant? All of these things you seek are driven energetically by how willing and open you are too energetically RECEIVING.
Eat to Strengthen Your Immunity
Like so many people as we move from one season to another, you probably notice your immune system plays up a bit and colds and sinuses and hay fever start to trigger as we move into spring.
How to Let Go of Conflict
Are you sympathetic, empathetic or compassionate? You really need to understand the difference if you want to release the stress and burden of an argument, altercation or judgment you are making on someone or something in your life.
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