Spirituality: If You Are Not Into Church or Hippy Love
Loads of clients tell me they feel that sense of disconnection and loneliness in life, even though living in a busy city. So why is there a sense of uneasiness and emptiness that permeates through us when we stop for a second to reflect on life?
Grace: We Need This To Live A Mindful And Happy Life
Grace. This old-fashioned word is making a comeback! This word has really rebirthed itself recently, and I feel it is important more than ever to understand what it means and see why it is so critical to master in our modern-day world to be at our best...
The Different Styles of Meditation
We must navigate the mind chatter to arrive at a place where we can receive messages clearly and insightfully. Without these skills, connecting to your spirit is tricky, and it can be hard to decipher whether we are listening to your inner spirit or your inner critic or ego.
Spiritual Awakening in Today's World
“Spirituality” is bandied around a lot these days, but what does it really mean? What are the signs that you are having (or are ready for) a spiritual awakening? And if you are ready for one, what can you do about it?
Are You An Email Addict?: Break the Addiction
Technology is both amazing and awful at the same time. And email must truly be the ‘king of awful’ as so many of us become crazed and addicted to it. Sort of like crack addicts...
What is Your Creative Gift?
Many of us think we are not creative, benchmarking ourselves against the traditional arts such as painting, music, and design. This is a false assumption!
Energy Update: How It Affects Money And The Body
Do you have a cloudy path ahead in relation to money or health? With the recent moon in Taurus, many of us had a lot of issues come up with both our finances, money matters, and body...
Master Your Mental Chatter
Although our modern-day world is full of stress and mad crazy schedules, we are all aware enough to know that we need to slow down. We need some space and mindfulness and the ability to stop the overwhelming flow of thoughts (mostly negative) that hit our brains every second.
Top 5 Spiritual Treats for Mothers Day
I love seeing mothers, mums, or prime carers get pampered, more than anything. Their role in life is such a giving and sometimes thankless one!
Are You Teaching Your Kids Mindfulness?
If we are being stimulated so much then how do we counter-balance with mindfulness and stillness?
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