conscious living
Do You Have A Life Problem-Solving Tool?
We all face life problems to solve at one time or another. Some are biggies and some are less intense, but we all need tools and strategies to move through them. Many of our big challenges need a ‘death and rebirth’ of sorts...
Have You Given Your Mind A Job Description?
We live and breathe by using job descriptions in the workplace to keep focused, to be clear on our responsibilities and also to work with others to stay in the flow. We see this job description as intrinsic in keeping clarity of direction and purposeful intention...
Are you suffering from NDD?
NDD means 'Nature Deficit Disorder' and it refers to our lack of connection to nature which creates an attention disorder in relation to our inner present and physical self.
Spiritual Awakening in Today's World
“Spirituality” is bandied around a lot these days, but what does it really mean? What are the signs that you are having (or are ready for) a spiritual awakening? And if you are ready for one, what can you do about it?
Are You An Email Addict?: Break the Addiction
Technology is both amazing and awful at the same time. And email must truly be the ‘king of awful’ as so many of us become crazed and addicted to it. Sort of like crack addicts...
Letting Go of a Bad Relationship
Have you been feeling like a whole bunch of stuff is coming up to deal with towards the close of the year? Relationship blockages, physical issues, career stagnation and more?
What is Your Creative Gift?
Many of us think we are not creative, benchmarking ourselves against the traditional arts such as painting, music, and design. This is a false assumption!
Energy Update: How It Affects Money And The Body
Do you have a cloudy path ahead in relation to money or health? With the recent moon in Taurus, many of us had a lot of issues come up with both our finances, money matters, and body...
Master Your Mental Chatter
Although our modern-day world is full of stress and mad crazy schedules, we are all aware enough to know that we need to slow down. We need some space and mindfulness and the ability to stop the overwhelming flow of thoughts (mostly negative) that hit our brains every second.
When Healing Does Not Work?
You probably already know that there are many doorways to Healing: Energy Healing, Kinesiology, Counselling, Coaching, Acupuncture, Art Therapy, Chiro, Physio, Indigenous Healing and the list goes on… But when all of these healing styles cannot quite nail your problem and you feel completely and utterly stuck, lost, and hopeless - what is the answer?
- world news (5)
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- body health (12)
- consciousness (22)
- conscious living (49)
- mindfulness (28)
- confidence (18)
- death and rebirth (4)
- values (19)
- higher self (15)
- life purpose (18)
- animal totem (1)
- stress management (16)
- conscious children (2)
- chakra energy (3)
- spiritual retreat (6)
- work-life balance (9)
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- wellness (16)
- meditation (2)
- earthing (2)
- intuitive guidance (12)
- relationship guidance (8)
- self healing (2)
- healing tools (6)
- mental clutter (2)
- fear (3)
- rezinate sessions (1)
- spiritual awakening (2)
- energy medicine (3)
- metaphysical energy and healing (3)
- medicine wheel journey (1)
- psychic development (5)